
    These eight days ,I stay in my bedroom .And I recall our memory , nomatter what  is it, it always a sweet memory.But I want to create a lot belong us! These eight days I think a lot you say! I discover that I 'm bad Sometimes you didn't like and I also do that ! I do a lot and only want you care about me. I like a children that want you can take care of me.And I get alone with other want you can care about me,because I can know that you love me! But I didn't think your feeling!
    There eight days I think a lot about  our  thing about why we are breaking up. I found that is a lot of trouble.Due to a little troube and you didn't love me and for one , twice, and..... For many times I think you didn't love me anymore.Until we breaking up and I found I do a lot bad thinhs.If I didn't do many bad things when we are together .I think we are still a couple.

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